Agrifood & Agriprocessing
The main driving force behind Ghana’s economy is agriculture. Considering its climatic conditions, geographic characteristics and the abundance of natural resources (forestry, fishery and environmental), the country is endowed with a huge potential for agriculture and agribusiness, accounting for approximately 42% of the country’s GDP and employing 50% of its work force.
Ghana being the second largest cocoa-growing country in the world, processes not even the half of its cocoa output, while the rest is exported in its raw state, leaving considerable processed opportunity. The country processes only between 22% of its cocoa output into liquor, paste and butter.
The revenues from the cash crops and the production’s system , harvesting and spinning brings a lot of works not only in the remote areas but also for mechanics, distributions of farm machinery, consultants, crops processors others. Industries like, transportation, merchandising, warehousing banking also benefit from the sector.
Opportunities exist in the processing of agricultural products such as cereals ( maize, rice, millet ) starchy crops ( yam, cassava, plantain ), legumes ( carrot, cabbage, garden eggs,tomato ), fruits ( pineapple, pawpaw, banana, mango ), industrials crops ( rubber, sugarcane, cotton, oil palm, coconut, cocoa, coffee ), livestock ( cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep) and fisheries ( tuna, tilapia, catfish).Increases in production and yield are attributed to favorable climatic conditions and improved farming practices. A number of technologies developed locally have contributed to productivity. Improvement in varieties such cassava, maize and rice have boosted yield, production, volumes and exports.
Technologies newly invested in slicing, drying and fermentation equipment are now utilized by food processing companies. With the growth in production, still demands are becoming higher than supply for many commodities.
Technologies and services are a another investment area with the irrigation, hiring of heavy equipment such as tractors, ploughs, harrows followed by inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides.
Huge investment opportunities lie in the floriculture, dairy products as well as the supply of machinery for hatcheries.
The distribution aspect offers in terms of post-production services in transport, packaging and cold vans.
Opportunities in standards of food safety and good quality, training and certification; capacity building for management and market-oriented enterprises, market intelligence research and in development of agricultural finance and insurance.
Another investment opportunity is the storage industry.
The fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Ghana hold a lot of potential for investors interested in the market in West Africa.